#BLM, like #ISIS before them, is a destructive, extremist organisation presented in the packaging of grievance redress. Just as ISIS pushed the buttons of frustrated Muslims who had a sense of disempowerment, and a desire to be righteous; and just as ISIS marketed themselves as Freedom Fighters against corrupt and oppressive regimes; BLM is doing the same, and the same types of sentiments are being manipulated. And, just like ISIS, BLM actually does not represent the views and priorities of the majority of people for whom they claim to be a voice.
People forget very quickly. ISIS has been thoroughly discredited and disowned by all but the most radical elements; but there was a time when even good-hearted, intelligent people actually sympathized with the group. With each atrocity, their ability to deny or rationalize, or defend ISIS became weaker and weaker. These are still early days with BLM, and the denial, rationalization, and defence of their belligerent, deceitful, and criminal actions, still persists.
But just wait a little.