Important piece in the Guardian on Monday…before you read it, consider the quote by Alon Pinkus, former Israeli consul general in New York, more or less stating the Israeli position on Syria: “This is a playoff situation in which you need both teams to lose, but at least you don’t want one to win — we’ll settle for a tie…Let them both bleed, hemorrhage to death: that’s the strategic thinking here.”
Now look at what the brother says in the article :
“But honestly, I don’t know the purpose of all this. In Syria, everyone has lost. No one is winning”
…And finally contextualize all this with a five year old quote from George Friedman in his book the Next 100 Years where he explains the motives of the the American invasion of the Islamic world:
“Its goal wasn’t victory. It wasn’t even clear what victory would mean. Its goal was simply to disrupt the Islamic world and set it against itself, so that an Islamic empire could not emerge. The United States doesn’t need to win wars. It needs to simply disrupt things so the other side can’t build up sufficient strength to challenge it”
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