Neoliberalism is nothing but conquest by stealth.
They will tell you that funds have to be cut from schools, from hospitals, from public services and so on, in order to service the country’s debt. What they are telling you is that the needs of foreign investors, the wealthiest and most powerful minority on the planet; take priority over your needs. They are telling you that the main function of the national budget is to enrich your imperial overlords.
Heikal said that a debt-to-GDP ratio approaching 100% is unsustainable. The US has had a debt-to-GDP ratio of 100% since World War II, and Japan (the 3rd most powerful economy in the world) has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 230%! Even Dick Cheney stated plainly, “deficits don’t matter”. The United States only paid off its deficit once in history, 180 years ago, and it caused financial disaster.
“Servicing debt” is not at all a fiscal imperative; it is only a camouflage for plunder. It is the rationale given by governments to do “by choice” what will be imposed upon them by force if they fail to capitulate.
You have to know that anyone you elect in Egypt today is going to be under this same system, and will be obliged to serve this same agenda. Don’t look at who is in your government…look at who is controlling it.