#Open_source_revolution is possible when we understand the basic construct of power in our society, what it is, what it’s objectives and interests are, and when we can map the system it uses to achieve its goals.
Apply the fundamental truism that whoever can disrupt a system can control it. Power is trapped by its own need for power, and this renders it chronically vulnerable.
Identify the key points in the system that enable power to accomplish it’s primary purpose, and disable them. We are not talking about trying to make the system collapse, rather, we are talking about using the dynamics of the system to our advantage. We do not call for chaos and destruction, but for democratization of the system, we can only establish dialog through disruption.
Understand that democratization only means, and only can mean, the imposition of accountability on power to make it responsive to the population. And understand that power does not mean government. Perhaps it did at one time, but not anymore.